Parent's fund
Since 2025 new parents have the opportunity to apply for support in the form of personal points, by reducing their teaching load or supporting their research. The measure is aimed generally at new parents, but in the context of the leaky pipeline, it particularly supports breastfeeding mothers, as they are to receive 90 minutes of paid working time per day for breastfeeding or pumping (See Wegleitung zur Verordnung 1 zum Arbeitsgesetz, 5. Kapitel: Sonderschutz von Frauen, 1. Abschnitt: Beschäftigung bei Mutterschaft, Art. 60 Arbeitszeit und Stillzeit bei Schwangerschaft und Mutterschaft).
- Those eligible to apply include individuals at all academic levels (i.e. doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers, lecturers, professors).
- Applicants can apply for 6 PP to hire a person for a semester to support teaching or research.
- Financing can be applied for during the child's first year of life.
- There are two deadlines per year: April 30, october 31